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J.N. Ezeora, R.C. Ogbonna, An inertial algorithm for approximating solutions of split feasibility problems in real Banach spaces

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DOI: 10.23952/asvao.3.2021.1.10
Volume 3, Issue 1, 30 April 2021, Pages 117-131


Abstract. In this paper, we construct and study an inertial algorithm for solving a split feasibility problem in real Banach spaces. The sequence generated via the algorithm is proved to be converge strongly to a solution of the split feasibility problem.


How to Cite this Article:
J.N. Ezeora, R.C. Ogbonna, An inertial algorithm for approximating solutions of split feasibility problems in real Banach spaces, Appl. Set-Valued Anal. Optim. 3 (2021), 171-131.