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Ferdinard Udochukwu Ogbuisi, The projection method with inertial extrapolation for solving split equilibrium problems in Hilbert spaces

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DOI: 10.23952/asvao.3.2021.2.08
Volume 3, Issue 2, 31 August 2021, Pages 239-255


Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to introduce an inertial-type iterative algorithm that does not require any knowledge of the operator norm for approximating a solution of the split equilibrium problem with pseudo-monotone bifunctions. Our proposed iterative method is based on the projection and inertial techniques. Under suitable conditions, we present weak and strong convergence results in Hilbert spaces.


How to Cite this Article:
Ferdinard Udochukwu Ogbuisi, The projection method with inertial extrapolation for solving split equilibrium problems in Hilbert spaces, Appl. Set-Valued Anal. Optim. 3 (2021), 239-255.