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Jong Soo Jung, A general iterative algorithm for generalized split feasibility and fixed point problems

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DOI: 10.23952/asvao.2.2020.2.05
Volume 2, Issue 2, 31 August 2020, Pages 183-203


Abstract. In this paper, we introduce a general iterative algorithm based on the hybrid steepest descent method for finding a common element of the solution set of generalized split feasibility problem and the fixed point set of a continuous pseudocontractive mapping. We establish the strong convergence of the proposed iterative algorithm and find a minimum-norm element in the common set of the two sets in a Hilbert space.


How to Cite this Article:
Jong Soo Jung, A general iterative algorithm for generalized split feasibility and fixed point problems, Appl. Set-Valued Anal. Optim. 2 (2020), 183-203.